RBKC want your ideas, your thoughts, and your opinions on a range of local topics to strengthen our communities further and improve our future.
See further information here.
Through its new website - strongercommunities.rbkc.gov.uk – which went live yesterday, and through a series of community conversations, workshops and drop-in sessions, the Council and its partners are asking local residents, community organisations and businesses in North Kensington what matters most to them, so we can work together to address local priorities and aspiration and shape what happens in the future in this part of the borough.
They’ve already picked up lots of ideas from conversations with the community, and we are working to address them – but we’d love to hear more because we know things are always changing.
They’ve arranged 3 drop-in sessions, where you can find out more and tell them what you think:-
Monday, 1st October 11am – 2pm at The Venture Centre, 103A Wornington Road, W10 5YB
Monday, 8th October 2pm – 5pm at Tabernacle, Powis Square, W11 2AY
Thursday 18th October 12pm – 4pm at Kensington Leisure Centre, Silchester Road W10 6EX
There will be more to follow (details will be on the website).
Please do get in touch if you would like to arrange a separate conversation or workshop for your organisation.
The feedback from all the conversations, workshops and the website will be collated and set out at an Ideas Day in November where everyone will be able to take a look at all the feedback, check to be sure that their views have been accurately captured and have a further chance to have their say.
Everything will then be pulled together into a plan setting out what the community have said matters most to them and the steps that need to be taken to improve the lives of the residents of North Kensington.
Update 08 October 2018: the Council has arranged a number of additional drop-in sessions for residents to find out more about Creating Stronger Communities and share their views on what matters most to them. Full details are on the attached flyer.
You can also share your views through the website: strongercommunities.rbkc.gov.uk